Vegan/Vegetarian Dishes & Sweet Treats

Our menu always features a wide range of vegan and vegetarian dishes, since so many people are now choosing these dietary lifestyles for health and environmental reasons.
Too often, vegans and vegetarians only have one or two items on a cafe or restaurant menu to choose from – not at Home Grown on Piper!

View our full Menu (click here)


Greens Galore (GF /VEG/VO)        26
A poached egg, two potato rosti, sautéed greens (broccoli, beans, kale & chard), smashed peas, Meredith goats’ fetta, salsa verde & soy pepitas.
Vegan option – replace egg & fetta with sautéed mushrooms and avocado

Gluten free café restaurant eats vegan café restaurant eats